Uber Driver Requirements


Minimum requirements

Minimum requirements There are a few minimum requirements to meet before you can sign up to drive with Uber: Meet the minimum age to drive in your city Have at least one year of licensed driving experience in the US (3 years if you are under 25 years old) Have a valid US driver’s license Use an eligible 4-door vehicle


Required documents

Required documents For your next step, share the following documentation: A valid US driver’s license Proof of residency in your city, state, or province Proof of vehicle insurance if you plan to drive your own car A driver profile photo Must be a forward-facing, centered photo including the driver’s full face and top of shoulders, with no sunglasses Must be a photo only of the driver with no other subject in the frame, well-lit, and in focus; it cannot be a driver’s license photo or other printed photograph


Driver screening

After signing up, you can complete a screening online. It will review your driving record and criminal history.

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